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Founders & Council


Hong Kong Mediation Centre was established in 1999 by a group of local active mediation advocates who are the few Chinese who first practised and promoted mediation in Hong Kong. They all share the vision that mediation is of great benefits to people and therefore mediation theories and skills should be adapted to suit the local environment of Hong Kong. They believe that mediation can help people to resolve painful disputes, during mediation process, mutual understanding can be resulted. In the end, a more harmonious and caring community can be created.

The three founders are Prof. Raymond Leung, Ms. Sylvia Siu, JP, and Mr. Maurice Lee, JP.

The Council (2023-2024)


Dr. LAW Wai Hung, Francis

Chairperson of Corporate Governance and Development Committee


Dr. CHAN Ho Man, Alfred

Chairperson of Member Affairs Committee

Mr. KWAN Wai King, Frankie

Chairperson of Publication Committee


Council Members

Ms. FAN Wing Yan, Angel

Co-chairperson of Disciplinary Committee

Dr. LAU Shui Yin, Alex

Co-chairperson of Disciplinary Committee

Mr. LAW Chi Kei, Jacky

Chairperson of Mediation Services and Development Committee

Mr. LEE Wai Man, Maurice, JP


Prof. LEUNG Hai Ming, Raymond


Dr. LEUNG Tong Lit, Charles

Co-chairperson of Education and Professional Training Committee

Ms. SIU Wing Yee, Sylvia, JP


Mr. TANG Kim Sung Co-chairperson of Education and Professional Training Committee


CEO/Secretary General

Ms. WONG Yan, Amy



Honorary Advisors

Dr. the Hon. LEUNG Oi Sie, Elsie, GBM, JP

First Secretary for Justice of Hong Kong; Former Deputy Director of Hong Kong Basic Law Committee under the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the PRC


Mr. WONG Kwai Huen, Albert, SBS, BBS, JP

Chairman of Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance); Past President of the Law Society of Hong Kong



Distinguished Course Advisor

The Hon. WU Hung Yuk, Anna, GBS, SBS, JP

Former Member of the Executive Council of HKSAR; Former Chairperson of the Competition Commission


Honorary Legal Advisor

Dr. MA Yiu-tim, Jimmy, SBS, JP




Mr. CHAN Bing Woon, SBS, JP

Former Chairperson of Public Education and Publicity Sub-committee under Steering Committee on Mediation of Department of Justice of Hong Kong; Former Chairman of the Appeal Board Panel of the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance

Dr. Christopher TO

Chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Directors; Former Executive Director of Construction Industry Council




Appointed Auditor

Chang Leung Hui & Li C.P.A. Limited





Memorandum and Articles of Association




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