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Seminar on Mediation Advocacy

In reality, many accredited mediators will not have had the opportunity to “mediate”, however, with the introduction of Practice Direction 31, the opportunity to represent clients in a mediation has become more common. This seminar will discuss the knowledge and skills that are needed to represent a party in a mediation whether you are a lawyer, a client or a representative from any industry and what mistakes should be avoided in this role.
Seminar Contents
(a)    Is there a need for advocacy training?
(b)    Common mistakes made by advocates
(c)    Ethical and professional responsibilities of representatives acting in  mediation
(d)    Pre-mediation – choosing the mediator; conferences and submissions
(e)    Advocates role during stages of process

Attachment :
    - Flyer_Seminar_on_20_Dec_2016.pdf  

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